Do you offer helpful hints for using the Easy Animation Studio?
We'd like to help get your Easy Animation Studio working! We have some troubleshooting tips to share with you.
Questions about your Movie?
How do I add a character to my movie?
- Tapping on any available icon in the character tab will add that character to your creation. You can also print, color, and scan your own creation into the app.
How do I add a new background to my movie?
- Navigate to the background tab and press the red create button to take a picture or print one of our pre-made backgrounds.
How do I add an animation to my movie?
- Navigate to the character tab and press the red create button to scan a colored character page or print one to color.
How do I save my movie?
- Once you’ve added a character, background, and at least one animation all you need to do is navigate to the audio tab to make your move. From there, you can choose to record audio (or not) and you’ll be given the option to save on the That’s a Wrap Screen.
How do I record sound over my movie?
- You will be given the choice as soon as you enter the Audio tab.
How do I delete a movie I don’t want?
- Navigate to My Videos from the side menu.
- Select the saved video you want to delete and press delete on the preview pop up.
Having Trouble Navigating the App?
How do I create a new character?
- First, choose a character page from your booklet and color it. If you need to print a page, please see the how do I print FAQ.
- Now that your page is colored, please navigate to the character tab in the app and press the red create button.
- Hold your device vertically over the colored page, starting with the front.
- A red overlay means the app is seeing the page but does not have good recognition. A blue overlay means you're ready to capture.
- Once you see the blue overlay, press the red capture button.
- Repeat the previous steps for the back page of your character.
- Once both sides are scanned, you’ll be presented with a preview of your character where you can choose to save it or try again. Saved characters will show up in the character tab carousel.
How do I create a new background?
- Navigate to the background tab and select the red create button.
- You can now take a picture of anything you want to use as your background.
- After you take your picture, you’ll be presented with a preview and the option to save or go back and try again.
How do I load my saved videos?
- From the side menu, you can select “My Videos”.
- Once in My Videos, you can see all of your saves and select the one you want.
Where can I find my exported video?
- Videos are saved to your camera roll on your device once they’re exported.
Can I replay the tutorials?
- You can find the tutorials in the side menu, they can be replayed at any time.
Can I play my creation before I save it?
- You can preview your movie by pressing the play button on the pop up window in That’s a Wrap! or My Videos.
How do I get back to the home screen?
- Navigate to the side menu and press “Home”.
How do I delete my custom character?
- Tap and hold the icon you want to delete and a delete prompt will appear.
How do I delete my custom background?
- Tap and hold the icon you want to delete and a delete prompt will appear.
How do I remove animations from the filmstrip?
- There are two ways to do this:
- Use the red delete button located at the far right of the filmstrip.
- Tap and hold to select an item and then drag it down onto the main screen until you see a trashcan icon. From there, just let go and it will be removed.
How do I print?
- You can print in two places in the app; the character creator and the background creator.
- In each section, you will be presented with a pop up once you press the red create button.
- Press “Get Pages” on that popup to select a page to print.
- For printing to work, you need a wireless printer or one that is compatible with printing from mobile devices.
Questions about your Mannequin?
How do I setup my mannequin?
- Your mannequin should be placed in the stand that came with it in the box.
- All limbs should be attached.
- Make sure the mannequin is facing the right direction.
- Make sure there is nothing obscuring the mannequin. Things like smudges, drawings, colored in sections, etc. will cause the mannequin to not be recognizable.
- Make sure the lighting is good so the app can see the mannequin.
How do I capture poses with my mannequin?
- Make sure your mannequin is setup properly.
- You can capture poses two ways in Easy Animator.
- Front facing camera
- Place your device upside down in the stand.
- Make sure the screen is facing toward you.
- Place your mannequin in front of the device screen.
- Make sure you can see the mannequin in the viewfinder.
- Pose your mannequin and wait for the on screen model to update. If you’re happy with your pose, press the capture button.
- Back facing camera
- Hold your device so the screen is facing you.
- Place your mannequin so it can be seen in the viewfinder.
- Pose your mannequin and wait for the on screen model to update. If you’re happy with your pose, press the capture button.
- You may also use the stand for the back facing camera but it is not designed for that use and you may experience difficulties getting the camera feed aligned with your mannequin.
Having Trouble Scanning?
My character scan didn’t turn out right, what happened
- Make sure your lighting conditions are good.
- Did you press capture when the blue overlay was shown?
- Did you hold the device steady?
- Did you color the front and back character pages?
- Did you scan the front and back character pages?
- Was the character fully colored? If not, please color it in fully leaving no white areas unless you want the white areas to be included with your character scan.
Lighting Conditions
- Easy Animator works best in brightly lit conditions.
- Using direct artificial (or natural) light directly on the mannequin or character pages is recommended for best results.
The app says it can’t access my camera or microphone, how do I turn those on?
- Close the app and navigate to the settings menu on your device.
- Once in the settings menu, find Easy Animator and select it.
- Once in the settings menu, find Easy Animator and select it.
I can’t scan any character pages, what do I do?
- Make sure you’re holding the device in the proper orientation to scan the page. Make sure nothing is covering the back facing camera
- Make sure you’re using a supported device
- Make sure you see a red or blue overlay when attempting to scan the page.
- If red, that means the camera is not detecting the page. If blue, just press the capture button.
- If you’re not seeing any overlay it's possible the camera is picking up some interference. Make sure you have nothing else covering or around the page you’re trying to scan. Make sure only 1 page is visible at a time to ensure proper recognition.
Need More Designs?
Printing additional characters and backgrounds is easy, just follow these steps:
- From the Home screen, click on "New Scene".
- Click on the red scan button.
- Click on "Get Pages".
- Select the page icon you wish to print.
- Select available printer.
- Print.
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