Integrate language learning, motor skills, dramatic play, and visual arts. Watch gardeners and greenhouse workers at their jobs. Dig in soil. Plant seeds (see Growing, Growing). Start a compost pile.
For a change of place, do this activity outdoors on picnic tables.
Copy this poem on poster board (older children could write it). Read it along with children. I dig, dig, dig and plant some seeds. I rake, rake, rake and pull some weeds. I wait, wait, wait and soon I know My garden sprouts start to grow.
Listen to the poem’s words. Move in different ways to dig, plant, rake, pull weeds, wait, and sprout.
Which is your favorite part of a gardener’s work? What colors do you see? What do you smell in a garden? What textures do you feel?
With Crayola® Construction Paper™ Crayons, draw your impressions of a garden or gardener on white construction paper.