Leaf Lotto

  • 1.

    On a walk, collect fallen, nonpoisonous leaves with children. Press leaves (see Pressing Plants).

  • 2.

    Children find different leaf shapes and vein patterns. Feel the top and bottom textures. Find edges that are rounded, jagged, or straight.

  • 3.

    Study seasonal changes in the area, or where family members live.

  • 4.

    To make the cards: Look for at least 6 matching pairs of pressed leaves.

  • 5.

    Use Crayola® School Glue to attach them to 4- by 6-inch index cards. Dry overnight.

  • 6.

    With an adult’s help, measure and use Crayola® Scissors to cut clear plastic adhesive, such as Con-Tact® paper, to cover the leaves.

  • 7.

    To play Leaf Lotto: Play with two or three friends. Mix the cards. Place them face down in rows.

  • 8.

    Each player in turn chooses two cards. If the cards have matching leaves, keep the cards and take another turn. If the leaves are different, turn the cards face down for the next player’s turn.

  • 9.

    The game starts again when all cards are matched.


  • Asking Questions
  • Reading Pictures
  • Vocabulary
  • Physical: Eye - Hand Coordination
  • Physical: Senses
  • Social & Emotional: Making Friends
  • Social & Emotional: Negotiating
  • Thinking: Observing
  • Thinking: Problem Solving