Create your own dreamtime symbols in the style of modern Aboriginal culture.
Aboriginal art is very important in native Australian culture. Everyone is considered an artist! Aboriginal religious practices are very much linked to nature. People concentrate hard on their surroundings (kind of like meditation) and ideas come to them. This experience is very much like dreaming when we sleep. All Aboriginal art is based on how different parts of nature relate to each other.
Learn more about Australia, its native peoples, and their art. Locate the country on a world map. Find pictures of animals that are common on that continent, such as kangaroos, lizards, and birds. Sketch simple outlines of them with Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencils. Erase until you are satisfied with at least one.
Draw your favorite Australian animal on Crayola Color Explosion Paper with Color Explosion Markers. Very bright colors are common in Aboriginal art, so it is easy to make your work look as authentic as possible.
Aboriginal art is decorated with meaningful designs (symbols). For example, a squiggly line could be a snake, concentric circles usually represent a camp/village, straight lines mean a road/traveling, and dots (which are very popular in modern Aboriginal art) can represent animal tracks. Add designs that relate to your animal. Invent symbols if you like. Fill your picture with striking patterns and designs.
Create an intricate stained glass pattern. On tracing paper, translucent marker colors seem to glow in sunlight.
Celebrate the Ch'ing Ming Festival, or any festive holiday, with these Tiny Chinese Kites!
What symbols or logos would you use to represent the three branches of the U.S. government? Mark important passages in y
Create a replica of the U.S. White House! Learn about the building's history, architecture, and its famous occupant's ro
Track how Edison's inventions changed everyday life. Imagine a world without lightbulbs or sound recordings!
Discover how the past affects the future—with a triarama that shows a country’s history, people, and traditions.
How did the Plains Indians create and use their shields? Design a realistic replica of a Crow or Kiowa circular shield.
Discover Canada’s rushing rivers, majestic mountains, and rolling prairies. Admire the scenery from the vantage point of