Capture animals in abstract drawings, finding the geometric shapes that make up animal faces and bodies.
Look at several photographs of animals. Compare and contrast their forms by visually breaking the images into simple geometric shapes. To do this, place a piece of tracing paper over a large, side view of an animal such a horse or an elephant.
With a Crayola® Fine-Line Marker, draw the simple geometric shapes that comprise the animal. An elephant's head and abdomen would be circles, with a long oval for a trunk, and rectangles for legs. Try several different animals.
Tear the edges of construction paper so it looks like a deckle edge.
With markers on construction paper, draw the simple geometric forms that you traced. Combine several simple forms to complete a more complex drawing.
Use Crayola Colored Drawing Chalk to fill in the animal and background. Keep your drawing simple and strong.
Exhibit the works. Ask viewers to identify which animals are portrayed.
Tsunamis, or gigantic waves, are one of the most destructive natural disasters. Discover how they’re formed, deep under
What do you get when you combine Crayola® Dry-Erase Crayons and a plastic box frame? Hours of simple fun and learning!
Create an intricate stained glass pattern. On tracing paper, translucent marker colors seem to glow in sunlight.
Celebrate the Ch'ing Ming Festival, or any festive holiday, with these Tiny Chinese Kites!
What symbols or logos would you use to represent the three branches of the U.S. government? Mark important passages in y
Create a replica of the U.S. White House! Learn about the building's history, architecture, and its famous occupant's ro