Create new animals with combined parts for a "menagerarium" display of biodiversity.
Use Crayola® Scissors to cut pictures of animals, fish, birds, and insects from recycled magazines. Sort pictures on the classroom floor into categories: land, sea, and air creatures. Identify special parts of animals in each category. Choose two animals to combine into a new creature.
With one color of Crayola Model Magic, create the body of an animal. Then use another color of Model Magic to make animal parts from a different creature. Mix up the parts of the two animals to make an entirely new Compound Species. The more exaggerated the body part, the more dramatic the final product will be.
Glue feathers, buttons, or other decorative materials to the creature with Crayola School Glue. Let the animal air dry for about 24 hours.
With Crayola Watercolors and Paint Brushes, or Crayola Washable Markers, to add designs and patterns to, the Compound Species. Give each an imaginary name. Display in a "menagerarium" for others to visit.
Tsunamis, or gigantic waves, are one of the most destructive natural disasters. Discover how they’re formed, deep under
What do you get when you combine Crayola® Dry-Erase Crayons and a plastic box frame? Hours of simple fun and learning!
Create an intricate stained glass pattern. On tracing paper, translucent marker colors seem to glow in sunlight.
Celebrate the Ch'ing Ming Festival, or any festive holiday, with these Tiny Chinese Kites!
What symbols or logos would you use to represent the three branches of the U.S. government? Mark important passages in y
Who was Thurgood Marshall? Find out how his legal career in civil rights shaped the lives of people in the United States