Join in the fun of Mardi Gras! Have a ball making these elaborate, decorative masks. Display them for Halloween and other occasions, too.
Mardi Gras began many hundreds of years ago in France to welcome and celebrate spring. This holiday is usually celebrated on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.
With your classmates, research Mardi Gras and find out how it is celebrated in countries around the world. Some of the most famous celebrations are in New Orleans, Galveston, and Shreveport in the United States; Quebec City, Canada; as well as in Italy and Switzerland.
Most Mardi Gras events include a parade with grand floats, costumes, masks, balls, and special food such as moon pies and King Cakes. Men and women dress in formal clothing or costumes. They also wear elaborate masks in styles that reflect local traditions.
To make a decorative mask similar to those worn at Mardi Gras, first crumple newspaper to make a face-shaped armature. Hold the newspaper in place with masking tape.
To make your own distinctive mask, knead color from Crayola® Washable Markers into white Crayola Model Magic. Cover the armature with the modeling compound. Shape the face to include a nose, ears, and hair.
Embellish the mask with colored Model Magic.
Embed chenille stems or other decorative craft items into the mask. Air-dry at least overnight.
Use Crayola School Glue if needed to hold the decorations in place. Air-dry the glue.
Display your masks to celebrate Mardi Gras!
Join in the fun of Mardi Gras! Have a ball making these elaborate, decorative masks. Display them for Halloween and othe
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