Make decorative discs by pressing shapes into Crayola® Air-Dry Clay. The possibilities for making detailed impressions are endless!
Not so long ago, farmers molded butter with designs. Find out how and why they made butter molds from clay. Sometimes today, fancy butter pats are made in small molds.
What everyday items do you know about that are made by molding, pressing, or printing? (coins, license plates, leather, gelatin, candles) Do you enjoy making footprints in mud, sand, or snow? Then you’ll really enjoy making prints with Crayola Air-Dry Clay.
Gather several objects such as marker caps, shells, and other items that have either a raised or indented design. Be inventive! The clay is so smooth you can make very fine designs in it.
Use a clean, washable surface. Roll the clay into a ball about as wide as the object you are going to use to make an impression. Press the ball into the object (or vice versa) and gently pull them apart. Is your design raised or indented? Concave or convex?
Wash the clay off the objects you pressed before the clay dries. Air-dry your impression for at least 3 days.
Make decorative discs by pressing shapes into Crayola® Air-Dry Clay. The possibilities for making detailed impressions a
Create a mailbox for kind thoughts. Express appreciation for acts of kindness with notes. There’s even space for "grumpi
It's time to explore Germany's Black Forest region and the history of the cuckoo clock.
Collect, organize, and graph data after a visit to a fire station.
Step back in time to create your own modern version of Americana! Use your knowledge about types of lines, too.
Check out state and national flags to find designs that demonstrate fractional color divisions, then design your own fra
Immerse yourself in the Pennsylvania folk art tradition of hex signs. These colorful creations incorporate history, math
Create your own version of beautiful Somoan Siapo bark cloth using a brown paper bag. Use your knowledge of geometry, to