These Earth-friendly robots engage scientific imaginations, creativity, and math skills. How will your Shaper Paper™ robots measure up?
Imagine a robot with special skills! What will it be able to do? Design a miniature robot, with recycled materials and Crayola Shaper Paper™, which can keep your room clean, desalinate ocean water—or do whatever job you choose!
Select a small box, about the size of your palm, to recycle as the body for your robot. You might use a clean juice box, playing card box, or even an empty Crayola Crayon box. Measure the length, width, and depth of the box to determine how much Crayola Shaper Paper™ you need to cover your robot’s body. Measure and mark the Shaper Paper. Fold crisp lines in the paper and gently pull apart or cut the paper. Shaper Paper easily separates on folded lines.
Cover your craft area with newspaper. To attach Shaper Paper to the box, dip a brush in water. Dab brush on a paper towel to remove excess water. Brush one side of the Shaper Paper with a small amount of water. Wrap the box with Shaper Paper with the wet side touching the box.
Experiment with Shaper Paper to create arms, legs, and other body parts for your robot. What skills will your robot have? What accessories does your robot need? Be inventive! Shaper Paper sticks to itself and holds its shape when wet, so be creative with your design! For example, measure and fold rectangles for arms and legs. Create a cube or cylinder for the head. Cut narrow strips for fur or hair.
Attach all of the pieces to your robot’s body by slightly dampening the shaper paper.
Use Crayola Washable Watercolors, Tempera Paints, and/or Markers to add color and life to your robot! For extra sparkle, a pearly look, or sandy texture, brush on Crayola Tempera Mixing Medium. Glue on decorative craft items to complete your imaginative d
Explain what jobs your creation can do to your classmates. What talents were uncovered with this robot project?
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