Napoleon started this monument, which became Paris’s great triumphal arch. Construct a replica of the Arch de Triomphe, where 12 avenues meet in a roundabout.
Research the background, construction, and meaning of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. With a partner, construct a replica that is either a front view or shows all four pillars. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
<STRONG>Build your Arc de Triomphe.</STRONG> Use recycled boxes and cardboard to make pillars and arches. Cut pieces to fit with Crayola® Scissors. With Crayola School Glue, construct your structure. Air-dry the glue.
<STRONG>Paint the structure.</STRONG> Cover your art area with newspaper. Paint the boxes using Crayola Premier Tempera and brushes. Depending on the light, this magnificent stone monument can look silver, gold, or white.
<STRONG>Embellish it</STRONG>. With white Crayola Model Magic, use your imagination to create the friezes, bas-relief, and high-relief sculptures that adorn the facade (outside walls) of the arch. Knead in color from Crayola Washable Gel Markers to match the paint. Glue the sculptures in place.
<STRONG>. Create the roundabout</STRONG>. Using Crayola Metallic FX Crayons, color paper to resemble the huge vehicular roundabout (12 grand avenues feed into it) that encircles the arch. Glue it to cardboard and then glue the arch in the middle of the ro
<STRONG>Add the Flame of Remembrance</STRONG>. Draw the slab of marble that contains the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Add a bit of Gel Marker color to a bit of Model Magic to resemble France’s Flame of Remembrance. Glue the flame to the center of the slab
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