Share the excitement of a favorite book! With this colorful fabric scroll book report, you’ll unfurl the action one scene at a time.
This is no ordinary book report! Choose a favorite chapter book or story. Think about how you can summarize important parts of the story with illustrations and dialogue balloons. How many scenes will you need? Sketch out the scenes with Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencils. Will you tell what happened at the end? You can change your mind as many times as you like with your sketches, because these colored pencils really do erase.
Find two wooden dowel rods. Measure their length.
Using Crayola Scissors, cut a long piece of white cotton or 50/50 cotton/polyester cloth. Cut the fabric slightly longer than you need to show the main scenes. Make the fabric a bit narrower than the length of your dowels so you can use the wooden ends for handles.
Line up and glue the fabric ends to the dowel sticks with Crayola School Glue. Air-dry the glue.
Unwind a little bit of fabric where you’ll draw your first important scene. Place your scroll on white paper. Use Crayola Fabric Markers to draw the action. Include dialogue balloons to convey important ideas and characters’ feelings.
Unroll the fabric, move the paper under the next section, and continue to draw pictures from your story. Let the unrolled scroll dry overnight.
Roll up your story. When it’s your turn to present your report, scroll along while you tell classmates the story. What can you say that will encourage others to read the book, too?
Practice sequential story retellings with colorful, collaged Book Banners.
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Share the excitement of a favorite book! With this colorful fabric scroll book report, you’ll unfurl the action one scen
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