Create cool color tricks while learning about primary and secondary colors and color blending.
On thin white cardboard or poster board, use a compass, or trace around an object, to make circles 5 inches (12 cm) in diameter. Cut out the circles with Crayola® Scissors.
Draw lines with Crayola Colored Pencils to divide the front and back of each circle into equal pie-like sections.
Color the sections with Crayola Crayons. Experiment with varying color patterns on different wheels and predict the results. Poke a small hole in the center of the circle with scissors. A grown up can help you. Pull about 18 inches (45 cm) of yarn or string halfway through the hole.
Hold one end of the string in each hand. Swing the string and circle until the entire length of string is twisted. Then give the string a firm, brisk pull. As the wheel spins, watch the colors appear to mix.
Complementary colors such as yellow and purple, red and green, or blue and orange will appear muddy brown. Alternating two primary colors will result in the secondary color that those two colors create. For example, when alternating sections are blue and
Play a fast-paced game that is popular in the Spanish countryside. Paint your own action-filled fun on your playground!
Calling all scientists! Record your findings with a colorful bar graph. Illustrate two sets of data or variables with am
How much is a liter? Make a mental switch to metric by pouring, measuring, and creating a handy chart to compare volumes
Bring out the baby pictures! Kids track what they've learned-how to walk, talk, ride a bike-and chart major milestones i
Learning how to add two or more numbers? This appealing, child-made board game integrates, math, science, and the visual
Explore symmetry in nature. Investigate the insect world, then create colorful butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies, an
Create the illusion of 3-dimensional space in the Op Art style of Victor Vasarely.
Estimate, calculate, and compare the metric and U.S. customary weights of favorite everyday objects. Write and erase you