Discover the vibrant colors and patterns of traditional African fabrics! Create a classroom textile quilt that explores diverse cultures.
<STRONG>Choose a culture</STRONG>. Research various textile patterns, colors, and motifs traditional to groups of people living in various African countries. Ghana, for example, is known for both its Kente cloth and Adinkra cloth. Nigeria’s Yoruba people are known for their beautiful Adire cloth. Study photographs or samples of these fabrics.
Sketch possible designs with Crayola® Colored Pencils. Choose at least one design to make a replica for a class quilt.
<STRONG>Cut quilt pieces</STRONG>. Choose light-colored cotton or 50/50 cotton/polyester fabric. With Crayola Scissors, cut squares and rectangles of fabric that will fit together on your quilt. Be sure to include a wide border around each patch.
<STRONG>Create the quilt</STRONG>. Use your Crayola Fabric Markers to create beautiful African patterns on each quilt patch. Arrange them on a quilt-size backing. Ask an adult to carefully stitch patches together. Your magnificent multicultural quilt is for display, so there is no need to heat-set the colors.
Write labels for each unique pattern. List the name of the textile art, the country from which it came, and other information you learned about the pattern’s origin. Display labels with the quilt.
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