Ring bells for freedom with this 3-D replica of a national symbol. What national treasure is important to you?
Research a well-known national symbol, either contemporary or historic. Why is it important? We chose the Liberty Bell, which is on display in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Here’s how to make a paper bell that includes a surprise ringer.
Draw a big bell with Crayola True to Life™ Markers on Construction Paper. Grand Canyon might be just the right color. Be sure to include the crack in the bell! Maui Sunset or Yosemite Campfire might contrast beautifully.
Add large rectangular tabs on each side. Cut out around the bell and tabs.
Draw other bell parts such as the clapper and yoke, which is made of elm. Cut a narrow oval at the bottom of the bell so the clapper can peek through. We used Caribbean Current for accents. Drawings look so real with True to Life tri-color tips!
Fold each tab evenly twice to make pop-outs. Glue the folded flap to a contrasting color of construction paper. Glue other pieces where they belong. Glue the background to cardboard so you have a sturdy project.
String yarn through the opening of a jingle bell. Glue the ends behind the paper bell. Air-dry the glue.
Celebrate any patriotic occasion by ringing your Liberty Bell. Share the information you learned about your national symbol with your classmates.
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