Three Branches of Government on Bookmarks

Three Branches of Government on Bookmarks lesson plan

What symbols or logos would you use to represent the three branches of the U.S. government? Mark important passages in your reading with inventive logos.

  • 1.

    Find out about the history and content of the U.S. Constitution by reading books such as Shh! We’re Writing the Constitution by Jean Fritz and The Words We Live By by Linda Monk.

  • 2.

    Learn more about each branch of the U.S. government. When you are old enough to vote, this information will be essential. What symbols would you use to represent the legislative, judicial, and executive branches?

  • 3.

    To make your bookmarks, cut three rectangles from file folders. On one, use Crayola Bold Washable Markers to draw your logo. You might make multicolored steps representing the steps necessary for the legislative branch to pass a bill. Cut out around the steps to make interesting edges.

  • 4.

    On another bookmark, use bright colors to design an eye-catching representation of the President and the executive branch of the government. You might choose a star, Air Force One, or the White House.

  • 5.

    On the third, to represent the judicial branch, you could arrange nine bold circles to symbolize the nine justices of the Supreme Court.

  • 6.

    Punch a hole through each of the bookmarks. Tie colorful ribbon or yarn through the holes. Share your bookmarks as gifts, trade them with friends, or use them to mark important information or your place in books you are reading.


  • Students research to identify and define the three arms of the U.S. government.
  • Students design symbols to represent the three arms of the government and draw them on bookmarks.


  • Brainstorm current issues that are important, such as environmental sustainability, international relations, and economic growth. Together, decide on one issue that is important enough to present to your local representative. As a class, compose a letter.
  • Divide the class into committees of four or five students. In each committee, brainstorm ideas for additional "bills" to add to the rules in your school or classroom. In each committee, write a bill and choose a committee member to present it to the floor
  • Decide on a color, symbol, letter, or number to represent each of the three branches of the government. Students have each of the three chosen representations on their desks as verbal questions regarding the three government branches are posed to the entire class. Students respond by holding up a branch of government representation as an answer. Questions might include: Which part of the government includes the Senate? The President is the leader of which branch of the government? Which branch of government makes laws? What part of the government decides whether laws are fair? Which branch includes the Supreme Court? Based on responses, break students into groups for further study, review, or enrichment.
  • Assessment: Can students identify and describe the three branches of U.S. government? Did students choose unique, representative symbols for each branch?