Make a board game demonstrating all the reasons why clean water resources are so important.
Compile a chart to show ways that plants, animals, and people use water. Find out how much water is essential to sustain life for selected species. How much does a cow drink in a day? How much do humans use? Identify sources of water in various climates. What are some obstacles to obtaining water? (drought, low water tables, floods, lack of transport) Find out how water is moved and stored in various parts of the world (truck, pipes, irrigation canals, dams, aqueducts, ground water, lakes). Discuss the importance of clean water, and consider the possibilities of desalinization.
Work in small groups to create original board games called "Water Is Essential to Life." Teams demonstrate their knowledge of water resources as they select a geographic setting (desert, Arctic, rainforest, farm, city, local community), identify obstacles to obtaining water (with spaces on the board or trouble cards), and offer solutions for getting enough water to where it is needed.
Teams design a board game, and any cards needed to play it, on poster board or recycled cardboard using Crayola® Markers and Scissors. Make three-dimensional game props, such as markers, dice, playing pieces, and elements of the setting with Crayola Model Magic. Use Crayola Watercolors or Tempera Paint and Brushes to add details to the game, such as dots on dice or directions on cards. Use Crayola School Glue or Glue Sticks to attach pieces.
Test play the games and write the rules on paper with Crayola Colored Pencils.
Rotate playing games with less experienced children, so everyone gets to play all the versions. Together, discuss information gained about the world's water resources.
Explore and display textures of tree bark in a patterned arrangement of positive and negative space.
How can people work together to reduce hunger in your community? Identify local services and lend a hand to help erase h
How can your class become a community of learners? These self-portrait paper dolls encourage everyone to become better f
Library windows are just the place to share reviews of favorite books. Use Crayola® Washable Window Markers or Crayola W
Stick up for sharp-toothed creatures who get a bad rap! They are just trying to survive like all other animals.
What’s at the center of a galaxy? A black hole! Look WAY beyond a black hole by creating a vivid galaxy and observation
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