What’s growing in your classroom? Record how a plant, animal, or you are changing. It’s a cinch with Crayola® Markers!
Find out how plants, animals, and even people go through stages in their growth and development. Plants grow quickly, so that’s what our sample shows.
<STRONG>Plant a seed</STRONG>. Place a bean seed in a damp paper towel and put it in a paper cup. Cover the cup with plastic wrap, and then put it in a dark place. Check the seed in a few days for any changes.
<STRONG>Record what happens.</STRONG> Fold construction paper into at least four parts. Number the sections. In the first section, use Crayola Markers to draw the seed as it looked when it first sprouted.
Plant the sprout in soil in a paper cup. Continue to watch the plant grow. Draw the changes you see. Date your observations.
Bugs are flyers and crawlers, diggers and wigglers! Discover the biology of arthropods and then show insects at their be
Nature is a powerful force! Convey the drama of hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, tornadoes, and other powerful storms in
Create chains of charms to show symbols of the seasons.
Eating fruits and veggies is a healthy, green choice! These freggies (fruits and vegetables) have faces with silly grins
Sun science is the focus as you explore the Earth's rotation and revolution, the seasons, and night and day.
Add "bling" to any science project, such as this insect drawing, with new technology!
Explore the life cycle of butterflies with a fluttery mobile. How can you attract these beautiful, fragile creatures to