Words to the X-Power

Words to the X-Power lesson plan

Build vocabulary by playing with a word and its synonyms. This fun chalk game can expand your knowledge, one word at a time.

  • 1.

    Ask a teacher to help you find a large, safe outdoor area on which to play this word-power game.

  • 2.

    Draw a large circle. Divide it into at least 6 equal wedges using different colors of Crayola Giant Sidewalk Chalk.

  • 3.

    Take turns standing in the center of the circle. Write one word at the top of each wedge in large block letters. Draw small, related sketches at the bottom of the wedge.

  • 4.

    With each turn, write a word that has the same or similar meaning (synonym) to the word at the top of a wedge. Pass the chalk on to another. After wedges fill, add extension wedges around the outside. When a player can’t think of a word to add, it’s time to sit down. Keep playing until there is one champion wordsmith standing.


  • Students review the meaning of synonym and identify examples of synonyms.
  • Students fabricate a challenging language arts game on the sidewalk.
  • Students build their vocabulary by playing a group word game.
  • Students develop interpersonal skills by playing together in a game situation.


  • Play the same game using homonyms or antonyms.
  • On paper, write a paragraph. Above each adjective, verb, noun, and adverb, write a synonym. Reread your paragraph and decide which words suit the story best. Write your final draft.
  • Visit www.Crayola.com for more grammar activities such as Mixed-Up Meanings and Slider Word Game.
  • Assessment: Did students write a variety of synonyms? Were they appropriately illustrated? Do students know the difference between a synonym and an antonym?