Urge children to find their favorite colors (clothes, books, toys). When this project is done with children ages 3 and younger, the adult cuts out the crayon picture. Close adult supervision is required to ensure safety.
Integrate math, art, and literacy while captivating children's interest in their favorite colors. Prepare a bar chart with children to tally their choices.
Help children interpret number concepts with Favorite Color bar chart. Count choices. Ask questions: ;Which color was chosen most often? How do you know? Can you find any colors chosen by the same number of children? How many different colors are there?;
Choose your favorite Crayola® Crayon color. On white paper, draw a crayon with this color.
Look on the crayon's paper wrapper to see how to spell the color name. Write the color name on the crayon picture, and decorate it.
If you are age 4 or older, cut out your crayon with Crayola® Scissors. An adult cuts for younger children. Write your name on the back.
With a Crayola® Glue Stick, attach your paper crayon to the Favorite Color chart.
How can your class become a community of learners? These self-portrait paper dolls encourage everyone to become better f
Library windows are just the place to share reviews of favorite books. Use Crayola® Washable Window Markers or Crayola W
Stick up for sharp-toothed creatures who get a bad rap! They are just trying to survive like all other animals.
What’s at the center of a galaxy? A black hole! Look WAY beyond a black hole by creating a vivid galaxy and observation
Feet come in all different sizes. Find out just how wide the range can be in your age range while exercising your graphi
St. George’s Day (or any day) is the perfect time to celebrate brave deeds. Create colorful bravery badges for yourself