Take a trek through Brazil's mighty Amazon River and its basin. Which unusual creatures will you encounter in this spectacular rainforest?
Imagine that you are floating down the Amazon River in Brazil. Or walking through its rainforest. What creatures would you see?
Research information about Brazil, the Amazon River and its basin, which contains the largest rainforest in the world. Find descriptions and pictures of animals, birds, and insects who live only in this part of the world. Here's one way to show six of these creatures on a poster.
Draw a square on white paper with Crayola® Colored Pencils. Trace and draw five more squares. Use Crayola Scissors to cut them out.
On each square, draw, color, and label a unique creature found only in the Amazon basin or rainforest. Show lots of details, so others can see how different these creatures are from those that are familiar.
Arrange the six pictures in an artistic way on posterboard. Attach them with Crayola Glue Sticks. Design the outer edge of the poster to unify the display.
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