Keep track of the season, month, day, and date with this colorful, changeable calendar.
<STRONG>Create changeable circles.</STRONG> Fold a large paper into four sections. With a Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencil and a compass, draw four circles large enough to fill each section. Cut out circles with Crayola Scissors.
<STRONG>Design the calendar</STRONG>. Fold another large piece of paper to divide it into four sections. To create windows, draw a rectangle in each section near an outer edge. Make three large openings (month, season, and day) and a fourth a little smaller (date). Cut out the openings.
Decorate the openings, edges, and sections with Crayola Slick Stix™. Add pictures of your favorite activities or changes in nature for each of the four seasons. These bright, intense colors blend easily with the tip of your finger or a paper towel.
<STRONG>Make the wheels</STRONG>. To create moveable wheels, place each circle behind a section so that a small portion sticks out slightly beyond the edge. Hold in place with brass paper fasteners.
Write January in one opening. Turn wheel so you can no longer see it and then write February. Continue through the rest of the months. Use this same technique to fill in other three circles with the four seasons, the seven days of the week, and 31 days of
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