How can people work together to reduce hunger in your community? Identify local services and lend a hand to help erase hunger.
<STRONG> Gather information</STRONG>. Many children, even where you live, miss breakfast and do not have enough to eat at dinner. Lunches at school or soup kitchens may be their best meal of the day. Sometimes people cannot get out to shop for food. Find out what resources are available in your community to help families get enough to eat, such as soup kitchens, food pantries, meal delivery services, and other programs.
<STRONG>What can you do?</STRONG> Interview workers at local programs to find out what they need to serve more people. It might be donations of canned foods, volunteers to prepare or serve meals, or drivers to take food to shut-ins. Some may need to get the word out in your community.
<STRONG>Show your solutions!</STRONG> With Crayola® Erasable Colored Pencils on white paper, make a drawing that will convince others to get involved to help erase hunger. Use the erasers to add texture to foods and decorate cans, for example. Fill some erased areas with more color so the drawing really pops! Spread the word!
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