Estimate, calculate, and compare the metric and U.S. customary weights of favorite everyday objects. Write and erase your predictions on a predict-and-compare table.
How do you describe how heavy something is? With your class, brainstorm different words that describe the weight (mass) of objects. Review the common U.S. customary and metric units for measuring weight. <UL> <LI>U.S. customary weight units include the pound and ounce </LI> <LI>1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz) </LI> <LI>Metric weight units are based on the gram (g) </LI> <LI>1 gram (g) = 1000 milligrams (mg) </LI> <LI>1000 grams (g) = 1 kilogram (kg) </LI></UL>
Explore how heavy each unit feels by holding weights or objects clearly labeled with their weights. Compare metric and U.S. customary weight units by holding them and feeling their heaviness. How does a pound compare to a gram? How does a kilogram compare to an ounce?
One way to explore the different units of measurement is to create a predict-and-compare table with a small group. Start with five or six everyday objects such as a crayon, lunch box, math book, snack bar, box of markers, and tissue box. Draw a picture of one of your objects using Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils on construction paper.
Weigh the item on a scale or balance (using weights) so you can find its metric weight. Beside its picture, write the metric weight. Next estimate what the weight will be in U.S. customary units. Would you measure it using pounds or ounces? Write your prediction.
Now weigh the object to find out the actual U.S. customary weight. Was your prediction close? How does it compare to the number of metric units? Erase your estimate and replace it with the actual U.S. customary weight. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with two or thr
Now repeat steps 5 and 6 with the rest of the objects, but this time measure the U.S. customary weight first, and estimate what the metric weight measurement might be.
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Estimate, calculate, and compare the metric and U.S. customary weights of favorite everyday objects. Write and erase you