Capture nature's spirit by creating a leaf-print picture frame. Gold Crayola® Premier™ Tempera creates a dazzling gift to hold a favorite photo or nature collage.
With an adult supervising, collect fallen plant and tree leaves outdoors. Choose only those that are safe to handle. Wash hands when you return.
Research the life cycle of leaves. Find out why leaves are important to the natural environment, both while they are on the plant and after they have fallen. Identify all the leaves that were collected.
To make a picture frame with a leaf motif, cut out the middle of a large piece of cardboard using Crayola Scissors.
Cover your art area with newspaper. Paint the frame with gold Crayola Premier Tempera Paint and Paint Brushes. Dry.
Brush the underside of a leaf with a contrasting color of Crayola Tempera. Press the painted sides down around the opening. Repeat. Use your imagination to create a unique leaf design. Dry.
To create a frame backing, attach your photo or artwork to cardboard with a Crayola Glue Stick. A nature collage would be a perfect complement! Glue the cardboard to the back of your frame. What a splendid gift for a gardener or family member!
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