Get to know more residents in your town. Invite people to school events with a friendly phone call, offer to lend a hand with chores, or find other ways to connect with your neighbors.
Here’s a wonderful way to get to know people in your community and to involve them more in school activities. With your family, neighbors, and/or your teacher, identify older residents, people with special needs, and those who live alone, for example. Always have an adult contact people first to ask if they are interested in being part of your class good-neighbor project. Record names, addresses, and phone numbers in a notebook using Crayola Twistables® Crayons.
With your classmates, identify some ways you could get to know these grandparents and other people better. You might form a friendly phone chain, help with errands or chores, do simple yard work, or even shovel snow, all with a parent or guardian’s supervision, of course. Invite these people to school events to share what you’re learning with them. Make a list of possibilities in your journal.
Draw a map of your neighborhood in your notebook. Label the streets and show homes of people who are willing to get involved. Identify which students are willing to perform different tasks.
With your teacher, set up a system to implement your network. Talk about carrying out responsibilities, personal safety, and what to do in an emergency. Prepare a responsibility chart with dates, student names, and activities. Leave a space to sign and date when jobs are completed. Choose students to field requests, coordinate volunteers, and chart activities.
Each time you call or visit someone in your neighborhood, ask them if there is anything else you could include in your project to make it even better. Enjoy getting to know your neighbors!
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