Greet school and classroom visitors with special occasion painted cloth wallhangings.
What colors and shapes are associated with ceremonial occasions or holidays in this country such as weddings, Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving? How do these colors and shapes relate to the mood of a season or occasion and symbolize the meaning? Why might these be found on walls? Work with a group to make a wall hanging which welcomes others to special occasions in your community or classroom. Your group can brainstorm and sketch images and symbols that convey the occasion appropriately.
Measure and block off large color areas of hanging cloth made of heavy fabric such as cotton duck or canvas. Reserve a 2" (5 cm) unpainted strip at top and bottom for hems. Place fabric on wax paper or stretch on a frame. Use a foam roller, brush or a sponge to apply Crayola® Premier Series Acrylic Paint color to the large areas. Allow the paint to dry.
Use a variety of methods to apply details and design over the initial painting. Stamp print from found objects such as leaves and crumpled paper, from the straightedge of a small cardboard piece, or from designs cut into potatoes, erasers or balls of modeling clay. Dip the designed surface (stamp) into a shallow paint layer, then press the stamp down evenly on the fabric. Remove and repeat. <UL> <LI>Brush and dab paint on the surface with assorted brushes, cotton swabs, sponges.</LI> <LI>Apply paint across a stencil hole (shape cut out of stencil paper, oak tag or frisket) with a foam roller, stencil brush or sponge. Reposition stencil to repeat.</LI></UL>
Fold about 2" (5 cm) of the hanging's top edge back and hem to provide a dowel channel. Insert the dowel through the channel and tie a hanging cord to both dowel ends. Hem the bottom. Alternative for those with access to a grommet tool is placing grommets in the hemmed hanging. These can be hung from hooks or a flag staff.
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