Your Caring Words Stick!

Your Caring Words Stick! lesson plan

Remember the compliments you’ve heard from others—and get to know your friends better—with this 3-D self-portrait.

  • 1.

    Why is it sometimes hard to appreciate the compliments that friends and family share about us? Often we only recall the negative comments without letting the positive ones stick. Here’s a way to collect caring accolades and see yourself in a more positive light.

  • 2.

    As you sculpt, recall kind words that you have heard said about yourself. With Crayola Colored Pencils, write the words on small strips of construction paper.

  • 3.

    With a handful of colorful Crayola Model Magic® Naturals, shape your body’s torso, legs, and arms. Make these body parts by rolling "snakes" and then compressing or lengthening them. Just press them together, because Model Magic fresh from the pack sticks to itself.

  • 4.

    Design your clothing in your favorite colors—a sweater or jacket, pants or a skirt. Make shoes to balance your figure. Press the clothing on your figure. If the Model Magic starts to dry, attach it with Crayola School Glue.

  • 5.

    Roll more Model Magic Naturals into a ball. Shape your face by pinching and adding small bits for your nose and lips. Give yourself hair, perhaps with thin Model Magic rolls. Form your hands and neck, too. Attach these parts to your sculpture. Air-dry you

  • 6.

    Attach tiny pieces of fastener tape to your figure. Place the opposite side of the pieces on your compliment cards. Attach the cards to your figure. When you hear new praises, make a new card and add it to your sculpture.

  • 7.

    Share one or two stories about the compliments you received with classmates so you all get to know each other better.


  • Students recognize their strengths, attributes, and talents.
  • Students fabricate a 3-D self-portrait with changeable compliments.
  • Students recognize and honor the positive attributes of each other.


  • Work in teams to sculpt each other. Attach words that describe the other person.
  • Everyone in the class writes down compliments about one or more students. Attach them in a ceremony designed to build children’s self-esteem.
  • Discuss the power of affirmations. Encourage students to write monthly affirmations for themselves.
  • Assessment: Students identify their assets in writing. Children create a detailed 3-dimensional self-portrait. Did students display effective interpersonal communication skills when talking with classmates?